Introducing AWS App Runner
The all-new Aws App Runner introduced in MAY 2021 is a fully managed AWS managed service.
The best part is it enables you to deploy the containerized web application without taking care of underlying hardware.
If one compares the approach of configuring the CI/CD pipeline with ECS as a deployment it would be a very hectic and time-consuming task.
With AWS APP RUNNER you only need your application or docker image and aws app runner will do the necessary things such as scaling your container and load balance your traffic with end-to-end encryption.
Here is a small demo for the Aws app runner:-
- This is a simple Dockerfile of a Django web application.
2. Create an ECR repository; Build → Tag → Push your Docker image to Ecr repository.
Refer to the docs for reference mentioned below.
3. Go to Aws App Runner service and Create Service.
4. Select Repository Type as container registry; Provider as Amazon ECR and paste your container image URI available from image URI.
5. For the Deployment trigger choose Automatic and create new service role.
NOTE: You can configure as per your requirements. The Automatic will deploy your image on every push on your ECR repository.
6. Give the Service name, select virtual CPU and memory, and mentioned the port you want to open.
NOTE: You can setup AUTOSCALING, HEALTHCHECK, SECURITY, and TAGS as per your requirement. In this blog, I have kept default to keep things simple.
Final Step: Review the configuration and Deploy.
Once Deployed click on the Default Domain and You can see your Deployed application.
Thanks and Happy Learning!!